Real Time Solar stats

With the aid of a cheap Pogoplug and some excellent scripts already written I’ve got real time stats from my invertor showing Solar power in Leeds.

Browsing Mac Shares from Windows 7

I wasn’t able to see my Mac network share from Windows 7 and the single edit to the security policy that worked for Vista, didn’t work for Windows 7. It turns out a second step was needed, as detailed below: Start>secpol.msc [enter] Click on “Local Policies” –> “Security Options” Navigate […]

Using SMF SSI when your forum is in a subdomain

I’ve been battling to get SSI working for some time now when I had my forum in a subdomain, ie Fortunately I came across this information, which fixed it for me. The actual fix from that site is as follows:Create a “vhost.conf” file in “/var/www/vhosts//conf/” /httpdocs>php_admin_value safe_mode offphp_admin_value open_basedir none […]

Integrating twitter into my other sites using PHP

Ever since Twitter changed their authentication method I have been meaning to fix my software update scripts so that they automatically post new software to Twitter. Fortunately a quick Google search took me to this excellent HOW TO which had me up and running in a very short time!

May Solar data

The PVI Desktop continues to play up, loosing data for the odd day here and there. I am looking into getting something like a Raspberry Pi and hooking it up to the invertor for better stats collection. Has anyone hooked their Aurora up to a Linux box at all? I […]